disappeared on city
Barbara Streisand appeared in the 1960s, when Hollywood just ate with sweet women. Tailored to one measure, blue-eyed, snub-nosed blondes merged into a single white-toothed long-legged mass. And now fate brought a spicy little thing to the world public. Ugly, low, krivozubuyu star, which forever remained under the name of his first kinoheroini, – “funny girl” Barbara Streisand.
ugly duck
The art of turning gray mice into luxurious beauties, which had reached significant heights by that time, was not needed this time. Continue reading
Her work embodies the whole era, so bright and exciting it turned out to be. The life of the great Galina Vishnevskaya was just as rich. The tragic pages of her biography were intertwined with world fame, and sorrows and sufferings – with real love. On stage, she created not just theatrical images, but unsurpassed examples of opera art, which, coupled with the incredible ups and downs of Galina Vishnevskaya’s personal life, could serve as a plot for an opera or a classic novel. Her emotional manner of execution melted somewhat chilly operatic art, made it closer and more understandable to the viewer. And this is not her only merit in the world of beauty. Continue reading
An amazing and unique continent gives birth to no less colorful people. Australia gave the world of art a whole galaxy of movie stars (Nicole Kidman, Cate Blanchett, Russell Crowe, Hugh Jackman, Paul Hogan) and musicians (Nick Cave, Natalie Imbrulyu, AC / DC, Bee Gees, Savage Garden). There is one performer among these celebrities with an incredibly radiant smile, whose work has been pleasing music lovers for many years. Her name is Kylie Minogue. She calls herself a pop veteran who will soon be retiring, but we know that this is just another aphorism of her, there can be no talk of creative rest. Continue reading