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Hearing the name of this artist, most music lovers will immediately remember the famous “Smereka”, “Bird of Happiness” and “Crimson Jingle”. Though the part of admirers of the singer prefers such smash hits as “Galina” and “Raska Pliva”. Some nostalgically remember “Dance on the Drum”, “Girl from apartment 45”, “If the city is dancing.” In short, everyone will like some hit of the talented and charismatic Nikolai Gnatyuk. The statuses invented by the press like “star”, “recognized master”, “scene legend”, “pop classic” Nikolai does not welcome. He has his own explanation of national love and popularity: “God gave, here he became …”.

14 kilometers to the dream
This simple rural kid was lucky to see different countries in life, collect concert halls, perform on the same stage with the best performers of the country, pass the test of popularity, first succumb to temptations, but then still find the strength to not be on the sidelines singer Nikolai Gnatyukzhizni and creativity.

Nikolai Gnatyuk was born in the small village of Nemirovka in Khmelnytsky on September 14, 1952. A boy from early childhood showed his vocal talent, so his parents sent him to study at the school of the city of Starokonstantinov, which is seven kilometers from his home village. Nicholas had to travel daily on foot through a swampy area of ​​14 km for the opportunity to study at a school with a music class. At 6:00 am to the sound of the hymn on the radio, Kolya didn’t get very happy, because he had a hard way to go to school. Often the bus passed by the children, and they had to get to the city on foot in any weather.

“Serious” training
The desire to become a singer with Nikolai Gnatyuk was formed and strengthened not immediately. Although he sang from the age he remembers himself, but at first he dreamed of becoming an actor. A childhood friend even began to “prepare” him for this by boxing with him so that the future artist would not be frail. Together, the guys learned the poems of Vladimir Sosyury and Maxim Rylsky. Nikolai was looking forward to the start of the admission campaign at the Karpenko-Kary Kyiv Institute of Theater Art. Arriving in the capital, Gnatyuk received in the school a brochure with important information about the institute. He took it, flipped through, singer Nikolai Gnatyuki something happened in the soul of a young entrant – whether some doubts flooded, or the woman’s intonation from the selection committee did not like the intonation, but Nicholas lost his firm intention to prepare for admission. Going out on the street, he realized that he would not study at this institute.

The future performer did not lose his head, got on a train and went to Rovno. There, at his music and pedagogical institute, his father had an acquaintance of a pedagogue who, several years ago, offered a talented young man to go there. Applicants there turned out to be seriously prepared, all came after music schools, and not schools, like Nikolai Gnatyuk. Next to them, he felt like a boy. But the situation saved the case – one of the commission members asked Gnatyuk if he could sing something. Here he had no equal! The examiners immediately agreed to accept such a vociferous guy. Although he entered the institute as if “in advance,” but later he leveled off in terms of knowledge with his more experienced classmates.

Odessa chanting
On the professional stage, Nikolai Gnatyuk first appeared in Odessa. There, having heard his clear voice, they immediately invited the soloist to the orchestra “We are Odessans”. Not without incidents and during the first performance. Singing in the dressing room before the concert, Nikolai heard from one of the artists Nikolai Gnatyuk a boorish “request” to shut up, but he continued the vocalism as if nothing had happened. Then a colleague from the scene came up and hit him in the face. Nikolai Gnatyuk had to go out to the audience beaten, but with prepared vocal cords.

With this Odessa team, the singer traveled to many cities in the country, and then decided to join the army. He was sent to serve in the GDR and, as a musician, was assigned to a group that performed at discos for families from the USSR. Over time, Nicholas began to notice that people began to come not just to dance to his songs, but to listen to them. Thus, he began to gain confidence in his abilities and the belief that he could become a real artist.

Leningrad “hazing”
After the army in the life of Nikolai Gnatiuk, there was the Leningrad Music Hall, working in a variety of musical ensembles, among which were the legendary band of Alexander Bronevitsky – the “Friendship” VIA. There, Nicholas had to experience the “hazing”. Masters of their work worked in the ensemble and, to put it mildly, they were not serious about Gnatiuk. One day, the singer could not stand the attacks and, pointing to one of the country’s most famous concert halls, said that he would soon be sold out and arrogant colleagues would not even be able to get tickets for his performances. Over time, this is what happened.


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