The whole scale of Vladimir Vysotsky’s talent is difficult or even almost impossible to convey with simple phrases. The value of his personality in the history of culture of the 20th century is as limitless as his soul was deep.
He was lucky; most of his contemporaries, Vladimir Semenovich, understood his work and adored the poet himself, the author of the song and the actor. He is the idol of the past century, whose art is alive and relevant.
From the intelligentsia
Vladimir Vysotsky was born on Tatiana’s Day – January 25, 1938 in Moscow. His family was not ordinary and average. His paternal grandfather was also called Vladimir Semenovich, although at birth he was given the name Wolf Shliomovich. He was born in Brest, then moved to Kiev, received three higher educations – economic, legal and chemical. A grandmother – Deborah Bronstein – worked as a cosmetologist and didn’t like a soul in her grandson. She was a passionate fan of his work.
Vladimir Vysotsky’s father was born in Kiev, became a military signalman, singer Vladimir Vysotsky fought during the Second World War, rose to the rank of colonel and became an honorary citizen of the cities of Prague and Kladno. No less educated and intelligent was the mother of Vladimir. Nina Maksimovna graduated from the Institute of Foreign Languages, then worked as a translator-interpreter of the German language. When the war began, she was transferred to the Transcription Bureau of the Main Directorate of Geodesy and Cartography of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs.
On the Big Karetny
Vladimir spent several war years with his mother in the evacuation in the Orenburg region, but he already went to school in Moscow, in the year of victory. Unfortunately, it so happened that Vysotsky’s parents divorced. His father lived in Germany, where he was left in the service, he also took Volodya a couple of hungry post-war years there. The boy had a wonderful relationship with his new wife. He called Evgenia Stepanovna “Mother Zhenya”. Under her scrutiny, Vysotsky began to learn to play the piano. In 1949, Vladimir returned to Moscow and went to school on the Bolshoi Karetny lane, which was later immortalized in his song called “The Big Karetny”.
Traction to art
Theater Vysotsky carried away in school, he went to classes drama circle under the guidance of the Moscow Art Theater artist Vladimir Bogomolov, but the singer Vladimir Vysotsky after the final exam listened to parents and entered the Moscow Institute of Civil Engineering. Fortunately, after the first semester, he realized that it was not his path and left the university.
One of the numerous stories connected with this decision, only truthful or fictional, is difficult to understand. Before the winter session, Vladimir Vysotsky and his friend Igor Kokhanovsky prepared the necessary drawings. At night, they were completed, but Vladimir suddenly took the mascara and poured it on his works, announcing that he would now try to enter the theater school.
The Moscow Art Theater School opened its doors in front of him, where he worked with the famous Boris Vershilov, Pavel Massalsky and Alexander Komissarov. Already in 1959, Vysotsky played his first theatrical role in the student “Crime and Punishment,” and soon followed the debut on the screen in a bit part in the film “Sverstnitsy”.
“Blatnye” songs by Vladimir Vysotsky
After receiving a diploma from the Moscow Art Theater School, Vladimir came to serve in the Moscow Pushkin Theater, the singer Vladimir Vysotsky then worked in the theater of miniatures for only a couple of months, tried unsuccessfully to get to Sovremennik, and then went to the theater, which became his . It was the newly opened Moscow Drama and Comedy Theater. When he came to hire Yuri Lyubimov, he asked that he would read the theater director. Vysotsky, without undue modesty, said that he had recently written several songs and would like to perform them. Lyubimov was determined to finish the interview in five minutes, but he could not tear himself away from Vysotsky’s work for an hour and a half.
Vladimir began to write poetry in his school years. Then the reason for the first attempt at writing was the death of Stalin. With his poetic singer Vladimir Vysotsky, the composition of the young Vysotsky decided to express the feeling of grief over the leader of nations. His first song is considered to be “Tattoo”, which he composed in the summer of 1961. She also became the basis of the cycle of “thieves” subjects. Then he signed them with the pseudonym Sergey Kuleshov.
But those who seriously studied his work, argue that it was not Tattoo at all that was the first song of Vladimir Vysotsky. The year before, he wrote the composition “49 Days,” which he dedicated to the feat of soldiers who drifted and survived in the Pacific Ocean. The author’s attitude to this song is also known. Vysotsky spoke very critically about her and called it a guide for beginners and complete hacks, hinting at the fact that according to this template verses can be created for any current topics, replacing only the names of the heroes.