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Ukrainian singer and TV presenter Natalya Mogilev, known for her love for catchy outfits and bright images, has never been reputed to be the most beautiful woman on the stage, but the charming smile and pleasant voice of the singer cannot leave fans indifferent.

She always remains in the spotlight and does not get tired to please the public with her extravagant projects. Scandalous, extraordinary, purposeful, spectacular, assertive, stylish and infinitely talented – it’s all about her, Natalia Mogilev.

The girl with the hair of lilies
When a girl was born in Kiev on August 2, 1975, who was named Natasha, no one suspected that in the near future she would become a people’s artist of Ukraine and receive awards and prizes at prestigious music competitions and festivals. Future star on the advice of older sister Oksana entered the circus school. Two weeks later, a talented girl was offered a job in the theater. For a student from a poor family, it was a solid salary.

Interestingly, Natalya graduated from not only the circus-pop school – she has the singer Natalya Mogilyevskaya diploma from the Kiev National University of Culture, which she graduated in 1999. At the age of 15, Natasha became a soloist of the Ukrainian folklore theater “Rodina”, then worked at the Kiev variety theater, the Moscow Jewish theater “Stern” and was backing vocalist Sergey Penkin.

Mogilev began her solo career in 1995. This was helped by the songwriter Yuri Rybchinsky. The first hits appeared – “Girl with hair of lily color” and “Snowdrop”. The singer becomes a diploma winner of the festival “Chervona Ruta” and receives the first prize at the festival “Slavic Bazaar”.

And then a new producer appears in her life – the well-known poet and composer Alexander Yagolnik, who helped the artist to dilute the lyric-dramatic repertoire with new pop-hits. It was Yagolnik who helped Natalia Mogilevskaya to become a star. She worked together and met a year. They say they had a stormy and crazy romance. Yagolnik himself wrote: “The fatal name of my life is Natalia. The star of the country since 1997; when we met, I almost got married, but I have no regrets. ”

singer Natalya Mogilevskaya with Alexander Yagolnik
They parted, loving and hating at the same time. Alexander tried several times to renew the relationship, but to no avail. Mogilev did not answer the phone, did not open the door. The gorgeous gesture based on the “Pretty Woman” did not make any impression on her: the Jagolnik drove the fire engine and went up to the fifth floor with a huge bouquet.

Mogilev’s debut album “La-la-la” was sold in 1997 with a circulation of over 1 million copies. In the first two weeks alone, 250,000 CDs were sold. Although the next year, Natalya ceased cooperation with Yagolnik and began to produce herself independently.

Since then, her name has not disappeared from television screens and press pages. She recorded successful albums, shot clips, participated in various TV projects and competitions, she was recognized as the best singer in Ukraine, and fans literally carried her hands along with the machine.

Natalia Mogilev is ready to love again
Opening her heart for love, she honestly admitted that among all the singer Natalia Mogilev’s candidates for her hand and heart did not see who could be her future spouse. At the same time, Natasha took for granted the courting, as she spent the evening with one and then with the other.

And in August 2004, Natalia Mogilev, to everyone’s surprise, marries businessman Dmitry Chaly and, as a wedding gift, records and shoots a video for the song “Love me like that …”. All newspapers wrote about the happy couple.
singer Natalia Mogilevskaya Dmitry Chaly
And already next summer, not even having time to celebrate the first wedding anniversary, the family fell apart. The decision to divorce the singer took business quickly. This marriage was the shortest in the history of Ukrainian show business. “A week later, I realized that we have completely different interests, we cannot be a husband and a wife, and that meeting on weekends and having fun is one thing, and living together is terrible in my understanding. Therefore, I stood befitting at least six months before declaring to everyone that this marriage failed, ”Natalya Mogilevskaya later admitted. However, the famous singer always carefully hides her personal life and for the first time told about the reasons for divorcing her ex-husband. Now Natalia Mogilev believes that “it only makes sense to get married when you have a child.”

By the way, Natalia wants to become a mother of three children! She argues that if there were 48 hours in a day, the added time would have spent on the family and pulling up the English language to the level of free communication.


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